Creating The Internal Conflict

Everything we’ve been doing will help you build a clearer direction for your life that will fill you with a sense of purpose and motivation every day. Both parts have a positive intent but are going about fulfilling their positive intent in different ways, thus creating the internal conflict. My friend has created a fabulous technique for resolving this internal conflict. I never ceased to be amazed at how this deceptively simple technique can align, in just minutes, different aspects of a person’s psyche so that they operate in unison and suddenly propel them in the direction they want in life. Months later, she was in a happy relationship with a thriving business and had a dynamic sense of purpose. I could give you a hundred different examples of a similar extremity of life change that has come about from using this deceptively simple technique that works on aligning at the subconscious level all the parts of the self. Identify the two conflicting beliefs or positions you have within your mind. For example, part of you wants a relationship, but another part of you might want to stop you having a relationship because it believes that it will keep you safe from being hurt. If that part is scared you will fail and feel upset, it may sabotage your attempts to succeed, to get it over with and minimize the pain. Pick whatever issue you feel conflicted about internally. Place your hands out in front of you with your palms facing up. Ask each part in turn what its positive intention is for you in wanting what it wants.

The End  Will Come

The End Will Come

Continue asking until you recognize that at some level, they both want the same thing for you to feel good and for your life to work. It may take a few moments before you feel that they both just click. Once you feel they can work together, bring your hands into your chest and take the new integrated part inside you. As you practise this technique, you will find it becomes easier and easier to resolve every internal conflict in this way and when all the parts of yourself are aligned and moving in the same direction, you will have become focused like a laser beam on whatever you decide to do! You will have a truly compelling future. The late Anita Roddick, the creator of The Body Shop once said to me that she’d never met a super successful person who took risks. They all took educated, calculated risks. So, before we design your compelling future and get you highly motivated, I’d like to show you a method that the high achievers use to make good decisions. Taking risks is a necessary part of achieving anything in life, but there’s a difference between calculated risks and reckless risks. Or to put it another way, one of my friends who is a super successful businessman has what he calls an intuitive approach to making business decisions his decisions are ultimately gut instinct. Having observed a number of successful people who work mostly on gut instinct, there is still a process their mind goes through. I have noticed their strategy is to first gather lots of information, through observation and intelligent questions, asking about why something should work or what could get in the way. They then let their minds percolate all the pros and cons before they get their ‘gut feeling’ to reach a decision about what to do.

Like A Runaway Train

My friend has made a remarkable study of intuition. This comes from his work with some of the world’s leading poker players. When he works with them, on average their winnings increase tenfold. Poker is a game of statistics, but it is also the ability to read the other players, then, make a decision based on lots of different pieces of information to win. Our mind collates this and offers us an opportunity to make a decision in the form of a gut instinct or intuition. This is historically a survival mechanism that would alert us through an instinctive feeling about danger and would also drive us towards opportunity. However, since human beings have learned to speak, they have to some extent learned to ignore this and to also let the ego get in the way, because the ego’s purpose is to look good and be right. However, as he suggests, when we get quiet and free ourselves of distractions such as our mobile phones and the internet, and tune into what our intuition is telling us, we will be right most of the time. Just as he is able to help leading poker players increase their earnings by making good intuitive decisions, you will find that you can do the same in life generally. A technique that requires you to think through the upside and downside of an opportunity before you make a decision. The first few times you do this technique, you will have to really think through the steps, until eventually it becomes second nature and you will have trained you brain to make better decisions. For example, the first time you learned to tie your shoelaces you really had to think about it, then after you had done it a number of times, it became automatic you stored the habit or ‘programme’ in your unconscious mind.

Always In My Head

In a moment, we are going to practise a technique that will quickly help you learn their approach until it becomes second nature to you. Here’s how it works think about taking a risk such as a new business venture or asking someone out on a date. Even though it’s a simple process, long term this is a game changer. There is a chance they might reject you. Some people only downside/upside with big decisions at first, but as you do this more and more often, soon your unconscious mind will learn the pattern of evaluation and you will be making smart decisions about everything. You will have a kind of instant intuition.