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I Could Accomplish My Goal
The day of the race dawned cold and rainy. I battled mentally for an hour before finally giving in to my doubts, rationalizing that it was the best decision to just stay safe and warm at home. I let the fear talk me out of showing up, even to support my friend as a spectator. There is no going back and changing a choice like that. Without this preparatory experience of regret, I know that I would not have remained committed to completion. I am profoundly grateful for the dedication of my mentors and their unwavering belief that I could accomplish my goal. That moment of choice in the doctor’s office was the opportunity to see what I was made of. It opened the door to a new level of energy and divine connection that I had never known before. I poured my heart out in gratitude every night and filled it up every morning with daily inspiration of the next steps to achieve the health and wholeness I had chosen. I listened for the clues of negative emotions and limiting thoughts with the sole purpose of eradicating them. I felt divinely tutored by a source beyond my own limited earthly knowledge. I committed to constantly adjust my beliefs to align with the highest truths that I could tune into to create my desired outcome. 
Climbing Up The Walls
I discovered that there is no end to knowledge from the divine source. Scripture and other inspired writings, coupled with an openness to receive knowledge beyond mortal understanding, unlocked a space for me to receive tiny increments of wisdom that have built my road to success. At first I thought this information was for my journey alone. The more I learned, the deeper my understanding, and I now believe that what I have received is a path to success for anyone who has the courage to follow it. I am a product of my mentors. Much of what I share with my clients may sound familiar because it is what I personally regard as universal truth, so it is not unique. It is merely packaged in a way that is unique to me. I do not have a degree in science or psychology. What I do have is access to a much higher and more accurate source of knowledge. These powers are part of our abundant Earth and Universe. I believe they are here for us to utilize to our benefit. All we need to do is ask and listen. You're Never Alone
It is to this source that I most readily and often turn for answers. It is strange to think that I didn’t always consciously know that I could have access to such great power. As I awoke on the appointed day to hike to the top of Mount Timpanogos, it was pouring rain, even more torrential than the rain on the day of the 25k run. Blinding lightning flashed and thunder rumbled every few minutes. I had invited several friends to do the hike with me and I was determined to follow through regardless of who chose to show up. I had experienced regret once and that was enough. Heedless of the weather and in pitch darkness, a friend who was equally committed drove with me to the trailhead parking lot at the base of the mountain. The rain had not let up so we silently waited for 20 minutes. We later met up with a second friend who had headed up the trail earlier in rain gear. The obscurity of the downpour was so intense that we had not seen each other as he hurried past my car when we first arrived. The first sign of a break in the weather, my friend and I bravely stepped onto the trail. We ascended, every step was more empowering than the last. By The Way
With the rising sun, the clouds dispersed and a magnificent September day was unveiled. The autumn colors were more brilliant, the freshness of the air more pungent, the freedom of the mountain more grand than I could have ever imagined. As I stood resting with the warmth of the noonday sun on my face near the top of the wet trail, tasting the ultimate victory, a wave of gratitude enveloped me and I saw the full measure of what I had accomplished. I sobbed openly as I descended the mountain that day, with gratitude for the physical ability to hike and experience the beauty of the earth in such a personal and private way. It verified what I already knew. It is human nature to want to grow. Either growth or decay is happening at all times. I encourage my clients to take a moment each day to be quiet and listen. I ask questions like, What is your inner genius eager to show you it’s capable of? I help them find their gifts and embrace their passion and answer the question what is the next most important step to create this? And then I teach them to be perfectly obedient by taking action on that step immediately. At times a limiting thought or belief will creep in. Express gratitude for and acknowledge the limitation. It is a gift, showing you the precise next step necessary to complete your chosen destination. Take each one as it comes up and trade it in for an idea that will serve you in creating your ideal outcome. When these steps are followed, success is assured! I have proven to myself that the principles and lessons I have gathered are perfect for me. I have mentored countless clients who have proven them in their lives as well. I still seek daily to upgrade my beliefs. For me, it comes mostly a tiny step at a time. I believe that what I have learned is just the beginning. I continue to learn and grow daily as I proactively search to question and trade up any thoughts or ideas that I discover are not in alignment with the absolute highest truth.