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Creating A Life Worth Celebrating
We’re human, and it’s impossible to walk through life and not make mistakes. However, if I told a secret to someone and they told someone else, then that was the ultimate betrayal of my trust. So if you tell me a secret, I am now an impenetrable fortress. The truth is that when I started really showing up for myself on a whole new and loving level, reality began to bend around me. It’s time to stop doubting your worthiness and start creating a life worth celebrating. The only way to do this is to Be the Love. How do you feel when you check into what your body is telling you right now in this moment? What are three things you are grateful for? What makes you feel in alignment with inspired and empowered energy? What are ways that you can remember to raise your vibration on a daily basis? What are inspired actions you can take that will move the energy in your environment? What is your own specific gateway or stargate to connect with infinite wisdom and divine energy? What is your purpose in this world? How will you be of service to humanity and remember that you are a beautiful part of the human collective? What is your definition of love? How can you be the love and share it with others? You learn how to take care of yourself, you will be able to show up in life and in relationships with more compassion, kindness, and authenticity. Go to bed earlier so you can get the rest you need. Commit a random act of kindness like buying a coffee for a stranger. Treat yourself to a fresh bunch of flowers for your kitchen. Take time to relax and enjoy a warm bath. Create a vision board that is covered in words that represent your feelings. Whatever Gets You Through The Night
Call an old friend and ask how they are doing. Explore or study your family tree to understand your family lineage. Learn about essential oils and how they can support your various emotions. Keep a dream journal. Note down symbols, signs, and messages that appear to you in your dreams. Paint a canvas with bright colors. Create a playlist of music that makes you want to move your body and feel happy. Tell someone you love them. Write a poem every day for seven days about how you feel. Set an intention for something you want to manifest within a month. Cook a delicious meal for yourself. Declutter your closet and donate things you no longer need to charity. The Longest Time
Have a social media break, and unfollow people that don’t inspire you. Witness your predominant language patterns and note some of the ways you could be more loving with your words. Stand on the earth, dirt, sand, or grass in your bare feet. Write the word love on a glass of water and then drink it. Stare at yourself in the mirror and say, I love you. Go outside at night and look at the stars. Make a wish on one of them. Write a letter to your future self. Watch a comedy that really makes you laugh a lot. Support a cause that you feel passionate about, and tell your friends about it. Create a time capsule with the things you love in it. Turn on your favorite music and color your heart out. A Strange Brew
Burn sage or diffuse essential oils to clear the energy in your home. Breathe deeply for five minutes. Give yourself a manicure. Do a crossword or a puzzle. Commit to not complaining for an entire day. Try doing yoga every day for seven days. Make a fruit salad with as many different colors as possible. Read about a saint, mystic, or holy person from sometime in history. Watch a documentary about nature or baby pandas. Spend time staring at clouds. Write out three wishes that you would like to manifest. Create an altar or a space of inspiration in your house. Learn a new language. Make yourself a cake or a salad to celebrate the joy of being you. Write a letter of forgiveness to someone that you would like to forgive. Learn about the power of sacred geometry. Light a candle and say a prayer. Give strangers compliments. Offer to help someone without being asked. Get really good at smiling. Ask the Universe to send you a sign or a dream. Create a keepsake box to store all your special memories. Create an herb garden, or grow something you can eat. Plunge your body into really cold water for at least three minutes. When you wake up in the morning, say, Thank you for this day. Make a piece of jewelry that reminds you of being worthy. Buy yourself a small gift. Remember to take your vitamins and your supplements. Learn about the phases of the moon. Invest in nice underwear. Clear out the clutter in your purse or your wallet. Devote yourself to your journal practice each day. Make a mandala out of flower petals. Get curious about your spirit animals. Learn how to say no and feel good about it. Learn how to say yes and feel good about it. Give yourself a scalp massage. Get an energy healing. Make up a song about yourself. Read the love poetry of Rumi. Raise awareness for causes that need your support. Create a bucket list of things you would like to do this lifetime. Learn a new skill like paddleboarding or knitting. Visit a graveyard and send love to the departed souls. Go to an art gallery and endeavor to understand the inspiration behind the art. Visit a zoo or a farm and connect with the animals. Stop making excuses for yourself. Visit a candy store or an organic fruit market and buy something delicious. Dress up as a fairy or a wizard and have a party. Leave secret messages or money for strangers to find. Be kind to yourself when you feel triggered emotionally.