I Chose A New Life

I’m sure David’s legs shook after he slew Goliath! This profound moment of awakening is a moment to remember! Place your hand over your heart. Take a deep breath in and thank your heart for being present as you teach it how to feel a different feeling. Then touch your fingers to your temples and thank your brain for its ability to think one new thought. Settle your hands over your gut and thank it for switching from survival into sensing your highest good. It created solutions for those who came before you and took you on a path of adventure leading all the way to this moment where something new could emerge. Add a note to your journal that says something like, Today, I chose a new life. The words I speak, the feelings I feel, and the actions I take all reflect this new me. This is my new truth. Whenever I do this alone, I look around for something to symbolize what has happened. There is always an object that will stand out a little. Maybe a stone, a flower, a penny, something that is speaking to what I have just uncovered and laid to rest. I take it with me and place it somewhere I can contemplate it for a few days or weeks and listen to what it is trying to say to me.

Tip of My  Tongue

Tip of My Tongue

I know it’s there for a reason. Everything has a purpose. So, look around you right now and find something that speaks to you. Don’t overthink it or try to analyze it. Just trust that it is there for your growth and advancement. Maybe it’s a picture you need to capture. Allow that to speak to you and the pattern that you are laying to rest for the next while. Whatever it is, let it become a reminder of the great work you have done today. The first part was about gaining clarity on your issue, the pattern trying to rest, and the pattern trying to emerge. Sentences of resolution complete an old pattern. They reflect a change in your thoughts, feelings, and desires, activating new neural pathways, setting the stage for new decisions and actions that reflect the new you. Possibilities have always been part of our lives, but most of us haven’t been given the vocabulary of affirmation and creation that will enable us to actualize them.

Something About You

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about. All his young life, he had to interpret for them. He didn’t like that his parents were different, and he hated being the different kid at school. He felt underprivileged and limited by his background, and yet he developed a successful career as a motivational coach by taking himself on as his first client. When things were dire, he imagined how good life would be one day. He created sentences of resolution, like, I can’t carry my parents’ burden anymore, and I have to speak out. As his career blossomed, he developed a compelling need to become a top motivational speaker. He did well but couldn’t get the top gigs. His stumbling block as a speaker was his inability to start off strong. He would fumble through the first minute of every speech, then pick up steam, wowing his audiences by the end. When he came to me for help, I pointed out that spoken language was not his first language. His first language was American Sign Language.

Feel A Whole Lot Better

If he could reframe the old embarrassment around being the different one, and include his past and all his language capabilities, he could find his truest voice. Today Harry is a top motivational speaker, just as he dreamed. He recently flew his parents in to see him speak at a big event. Do you see the full circle right there? Harry did fine with sentences of resolution. My invisibility comes at too much of a cost. My being visible brings gifts to the world. I have my place in the world. Taking my full place, I can see new possibilities and act on them. I always have a place where I belong. My sense of belonging inspires me to include others. Always giving to others is exhausting. It’s okay for me to receive too. I am a master of receiving joyfully and abundantly. The climate for conscious change. Allot yourself some uninterrupted time, and find a space where you can relax and think and not be disturbed. If possible, find an inspirational place to sit or walk. Play a piece of inspirational music if you want. Switch your phone off and remind yourself why you are doing this. You are creating transformation! Take some deep breaths and acknowledge the family system of which you are a part. Everyone and everything that came before this moment has contributed to this opportunity. Imagine your ancestors at your back, their hands pushing you forward into the future. Tell them you are moving forward and ask for their blessing. Even if you don’t know your family system, you will feel the connection if you allow it. Breathe in their blessings and breathe out their burdens. Give yourself permission to go as high as you can today and imagine what you really want. You have acknowledged the old pattern. You have given it a place and set it down, and you have found the power of resolution. Don’t censor or judge. Just imagine and feel happier feelings. Visualize what you want, as much as you want. You’ll feel a sense of excitement. Your body will feel lighter. Your heart will open. Don’t let it get away. This is where the gold lies. If your mind kicks in and starts saying things like, Yeah sure. That’ll never happen. Who do you think you are? realize that’s the old pattern speaking, not the new one. Remind yourself firmly, This is the voice of the past and the pattern I am setting down. Return to your imaginings. Return to the elevated feelings they evoke.